
WBCSD announced as a co-founder of the 内部发展目标 (IDG) Foundation at second annual IDG峰会

发表: 2023年10月13日
作者: James Gomme,教育总监 & 知识管理
类型: 洞察力

As thousands of supporters gathered in person and online this week as part of a growing community dedicated to co-creating and disseminating a set of skills and qualities necessary to support sustainable development, the 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD) was pleased to confirm its commitment to this important agenda as a co-founding partner of the 内部发展目标 Foundation.  

10月11日至12日, the 内部发展目标 initiative held its second annual summit in Stockholm, 召开1,500人,近7人,在网上举行为期两天的庆祝活动 内部发展目标 (IDGs) as well as a highly interactive exploration of how the power of inner development can be leveraged to address the challenges we face as humanity.

通过广泛的全球研究开发, 经验和持续学习, the IDGs represent a powerful framework made up of five dimensions and 23技能素质 that are fundamental to living well and to supporting efforts to realize the ambitions of the Sustainable 发展s Goals (SDGs).

今年的 IDG峰会 was convened under the theme of “the IDGs in action” and provided a forum for leading global thinkers from a broad range of fields to come together and exchange perspectives on how inner development and sustainable development can be more effectively integrated and how the power of the IDG framework can be harnessed across academic, 政界和商界.   

从它的侧面看, WBCSD was pleased to participate actively in the summit alongside a number of its member companies, and convened a deep-dive workshop that brought together over 200 attendees to investigate how the IDGs can be meaningfully embedded into corporate practice moving forward.

Discussions during the course of this session underlined how the outer transformation that we need to see across global industry in support of sustainable development will only be possible if it is also supported by inner transformation - the purposeful and persistent development of skills and qualities at the individual level.

As the notion of sustainable development continues to cement itself in the mainstream, and as companies across all sectors make bold commitments to fundamentally transform the way their business gets done, WBCSD members are identifying an urgent corresponding need to develop reskilled leaders and practitioners, 训练有素,装备精良,能激发野心, drive action and sharpen accountability around sustainability goals.

While many companies have taken action to create a range of specialized sustainability roles within their organizations in recent years, 如果要实现真正的转变, virtually all workers will need to have fluency in sustainable development and to be equipped with the right skills to support its realization. This will be essential not only for the long-term success of the business, but also to ensure that the workforces of today and tomorrow are empowered to thrive in the evolving world of work.

在WBCSD, we envision a world in which sustainability is embedded within mainstream business and executive education. Drawing upon over 20 years of experience when it comes to educating business leaders on the knowledge and skills needed to advance sustainable development, 我们正在努力使这一正规博彩十大网站成为现实,并推动 学习和能力建设 在全球商业社区中大规模.

Having identified a clear shared passion and alignment with the IDG initiative for inner development in support of a world where everyone can live well within planetary boundaries, WBCSD was delighted to announce at this year’s IDG summit that it will be coming onboard as a co-founder of a the newly formed IDG Foundation.

以新的身份, we look forward to further building on our partnership with the IDG initiative and to promoting the potential of the IDG framework as a powerful tool of change for business leaders to leverage in the critical months and years ahead. 是时候改变了——无论是外在的还是内在的.

标签: 教育

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